Balls. The word "Ball" in my house brings up great anxiety, fever and shaking. Oh yeah, this is a good one. The word "Ball" if not said by spelling the entire word out letter by letter will lead to the inevitable crying, howling and barking. Yup, we are talking about Gator Vogel. Gator is our 2 year old American Bulldog. Shes nuts, maybe a little crazy and definitely psycho. She has a passion for chasing and chewing balls that is not unlike a serial killer. She is just frankly plain nuts when it comes to a ball. My point? Well here we go. Sunday December 7th, we go to play ball with the dogs a park next to the Chattahoochee River. Both Gator and Porter are loaded up, anxious and ready to go. We have done this many, many a time. We go to the wide open field by te river and throw the ball so both our pups can get some much needed exercise and burn off some steam. Gator goes at 120% and Porter goes at 65%, that is why they are great together. kind of like yin and yang. Elvis and Costello....ha..ha j/k Anyway, the dogs are doing the exercise and Jen and I are the ones getting ready to have heart failure. See even though it was just 42 degrees, Gator nearly gave herself heat stroke. Yeah...unreal I think now, but at the time our only "daughter" can't walk and is getting googly eyed. A very scary scenario, and we were petrified. We managed to get her cooled down and back to normal but still rushed her to the vet. She was fine, no problems, and ok. Whew....
Oh yes my point. This is a running/endurance blog right?
My point is that what would one do if their passion, their sport was taken away? What would you do if you can't run, ride, exercise for that matter? Would you go crazy, would you become sedentary and obese? Think about how lucky we are as humans, and runners and athletes that we can do what we do. Gator is on lock down until we feel she can run/chase balls again. Why is this relevant? It happens to be a greater cause issue, maybe I have found something that is not touched on all that much. What about the folks out there that are unable to run, that can't ride a bike. What are there options for exercise and fulfillment in being healthy? Both my wife and I are blessed with the ability to experience life with sports and exercise, there are many out there that can not. Today, I feel I should find a cause that focuses on such a thing and make an effort to do something more constructive with this life. Maybe I can be apart of something greater than one person.
Oh yes my point. This is a running/endurance blog right?
My point is that what would one do if their passion, their sport was taken away? What would you do if you can't run, ride, exercise for that matter? Would you go crazy, would you become sedentary and obese? Think about how lucky we are as humans, and runners and athletes that we can do what we do. Gator is on lock down until we feel she can run/chase balls again. Why is this relevant? It happens to be a greater cause issue, maybe I have found something that is not touched on all that much. What about the folks out there that are unable to run, that can't ride a bike. What are there options for exercise and fulfillment in being healthy? Both my wife and I are blessed with the ability to experience life with sports and exercise, there are many out there that can not. Today, I feel I should find a cause that focuses on such a thing and make an effort to do something more constructive with this life. Maybe I can be apart of something greater than one person.
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